Here are some of the highlights of features, improvements, and bug fixes we shipped in February.
The relet and new let void reports have been combined into a single void report. We feel this is more useful as it gives a much clearer picture including the filters which allow users to customise the report across dates ranges, let types (new lets and relets) and void types (general, nomination, structural & technical). Voids are a key part of AHB reporting to the regulator and we feel this enhancement to the void report can help AHB’s by keeping a tight control on voids providing clear accountability in respect to voids.
During February we enhanced the rental debits/credits functionality on tenants accounts. Previously, it was only possible to add a rental debit or credit to the tenants account which was tied to the tenant aspect of the rent only. Affinity allows users to breakdown the total money owed by tenants each period into various pots such rent and charges. Charges are customised by individual AHB’s on their Affinity account. Further to this each aspect of rent and changes can be broken down further into the portion owed by the tenant and the portion owed by a benefit authority if the tenant is in receipt of housing benefit. This update now allows users to define a rental debit or credit against any rent or charge either on the tenant component or the benefit component.
For full details of all updates each month, check out the Release Notes section of the Affinity product helpdesk.
Here are some of the highlights of features, improvements, and...
Here are some of the highlights of features, improvements, and...
Here are some of the highlights of features, improvements, and...
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